Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thursday was Thanksgiving, and luckily everyone in our family was healthy this year so we were able to make our usual trek down to Waco to have Thanksgiving with the fam at Grammy & Grampy's house.

While I was pretty impressed that I remembered my camera, I didn't do so hot taking pictures. I am finding that more and more, I am not always grabbing my camera but trying to be IN the moment more.

I did take a few pictures of Miss Ashton Raley wearing Grammy's National Championship ring...that was pretty cool. Grammy also busted out her collection of rings...there are a bunch! Ashton stuck to just trying on  the two National Championship rings.

We couldn't get over how ginormous the ring was. 

I absolutely love, love, love this picture! Uncle Ricci was over the moon that he got a big hug from this girl. I hope she is never too old to give her Uncle Ricci a hug!

These two peas in a pod could definitely get into some trouble...good thing they are so stinkin cute!!

We had a great time visiting with my family. I am thankful to have them sorta close! We always seem to have the best time watching football, cooking, cleaning, catching up, eating, laughing, and strolling down memory lane! 

1 comment:

The Leonard Four said... is one of my favorite relaxing and fun! looks like y'all had a great time -- and lots to be thankful for! :)