Saturday, February 2, 2008


This morning Landry finally did something to make Ashton VERY happy...

After breakfast, Landry was hanging out in her bouncy seat while I was cleaning the kitchen. Ashton came over, sat down by Landry and starting singing and talking to her in that voice that everyone uses when they talk to babies (you know the high pitched one) and Landry started smiling at Ashton! Other than Landry's arrival, this was the most exciting moment for Ashton. I am just very impressed that Landry did it long enough for me to get the camera and actually take a few pictures.

As you can see from the picture, Landry still has a slight bit of jaundice. She looks much better to us. The rest of her body is normal we are just waiting for her head and the whites of her eyes to return to normal color. She will be 4 weeks old on Monday...where has the time gone! She goes back to the doctor on Wednesday to have her 4 week check-up.


Anonymous said...

Smooches to them both!!!

Kristin said...

What a cute picture!!

Grammy Jenn said...

That is an absolutely adorable picture! Im amazed that she is smiling already.....way to go Ashton!