Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Turks & Caicos Baby!

On Thursday, we made our way to Turks & Caicos...that place is BEAUTIFUL! We always take pictures of our room since the girls like to see where we stayed. Everything about it was stunning!

The living area, overlooking the balcony to the ocean.

The view looking out the balcony...the water looks fake but it is absolutely real!

Love this picture!

We didn't have much free time today, we went down to check out the cabana they had set up on the beach, took a tour of the resort and made sure we knew where everything was. When everyone arrives on Friday, we are there to greet and chat and help out with anything anyone needs.

We didn't take many pictures on Friday or Saturday but Sunday was  day full of fun!

Sunday..We went out on a boat with several people from the group. It was blast...and our two guides were so much fun!

Daddy and few other guys swam out and actuall caught the conch we were going to be eating for the day! It was such a neat experience!

There they are...a few of the conch. We had no idea they were covered with mossy-like stuff!

We went out to a little cove so our guides could clean the conch and make our ceviche. I don't remember but this part is that BB is about to eat, but all they guys (and some of the girls) ate them. All I know was that it was slimy and gross looking!

And...done! Just like it wasn't a big deal at all!
The HP Host Guys of the trip!

Our Island Vibes boat!

Here is about to clean his conch!

The diving board off the boat was hit! It turned these grown men into little boys for the afternoon!

Our group after the afternoon on the boat! What a fun memory for sure!

All cleaned up and ready for dinner after a full day on the boat!

Monday we spent relaxing. We went into town to get a few souvenirs and then relaxed on the beach.

This is where we ate breakfast every single morning.

Our group had access to this big red rocket floating thing...I got on it and went for a ride. I haven't laughed so much in a while! It was hilarious watching all of us hold on for dear life so we didn't get thrown off!

We had such a great time on our trip! On a side note, as we were at the airport getting ready to leave, we saw Edita Slavinskya from DWTS. She was on our airplane...looks even more beautiful in person! She and her husband (Dmitri also from DWTS) had been there on vacation! We didn't get pictures because we did't want to be those weird stalker people...especially since the airport was teeny tiny!

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