Sunday, April 7, 2013

Testing Our Skills

If you know me than you know that I don't have a green thumb at all! Not even a little bit. And if you know Bobby, then you know he is not a builder.

So when we thought we would put these two things together...I am sure everyone who knows us, thought we had lost our minds! 

Our neighbors built a garden last year and had great success with it. We ooohed and ahhhed over how neat that was and great it looked. After talking to them, they convinced us that we could do it. They agreed to help us along and give us all the tips and advice they had, so we decided to give it a try. I really just wanted to grow enough veggies to make my own home made salsa...couldn't be that hard, right?!

After tons of research, lots of pinning from Pinterest, and many convos with the neighbors, we decided to dive right in and build us a garden!

My hubs...filled my car with all the necessary supplies to build this garden!

{The chosen spot before the garden was built}

{And after all his hard work.}

Wish us luck...I think that might have been the easy part!

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