Saturday, June 30, 2012

June Randoms

Time once again for some more random pictures....

Ashton's new softball hairdo of choice thanks to all the college games we have been watching on tv...she has gone from the double french braid to this single.

While at dance on Tuesday afternoon we just had to document the the giant boot with the dance outfit! She was a trooper while wearing it and we were all so glad she got it off before her recital!!

Bad weather typically happens while Daddy is out of town and this case was no different. I took these pix on my phone to send to Bobby. Photos L-R: Hail, Wind blowing so hard I thought our star was going to fly out of the brick, and so much rain it was pouring out of the drain pipe full blast.

This girl {even though she is strong willed and challenges us} totally cracks us up all the time. She is always busting out with some crazy and silly singing and dancing with my WHISK!!

It is rare to ever find Landry without one of her babies or her purse!

Cute little picture on the porch of the hair salon before summer haircuts!!!!
The over-sized helmet. The tutu skirt. The tennis shoes on the wrong feet. Love it all!

As it appears now, Landry is going to follow in her Big Sis' footsteps and be a softball player. She already can't wait til she turns five so she can play t-ball. She practices off the tee all the time, but she especially loves it when Ashton pitches to her and she hits with no tee.

Auntie Megan went to a "Pinterest Preschooler Activity Party" and collected 18 different games & activities. She got a set for Parker and so sweetly got a set for Landry too. Landry was all kinds of tickled to get that Tangled bag FULL of fun. It has kept her quite busy!

Ashton is making a softball scrapbook, and she wanted a picture of a softball to be on the cover so we took a picture. Well, Little Miss just HAD to have her picture taken with a ball--you know like she was awarded the game ball. I sure hope the team Landry ends up on gives out game balls or she will be so disappointed!

We had an extra special popsicle and pool play date with Reesey P and Miss Becky!

Landry was so excited to go back to My Gym for a birthday party! She was even more excited to do the space flight big kid style!

The big trend these days is for the girls to dye a strip of their hair with kool-aid. We decided to let Ashton do  it for the summer since it was temporary and there were no chemicals involved. We watched several Youtube videos to find out exactly how to do it. {We weren't sure how it would work on Ashton's super dark brown hair...we knew going in that it would more than likely not work without bleaching her hair--and that wasn't happening}.

We put in the mixture, wrapped it and left it overnight so from about 4:00 pm-9:00am.  Sadly it didn't work...she was a trooper and at least we tried!

And there you have it...our June wrap up in pictures!


The Leonard Four said...

love me the randoms!

and know which one's my fave? the one of the girls outside the salon. such a cute sissy pic!

Anonymous said...

love me some little pink tutu wearing, oversized helmet, little sassy LP with her shoes on backwards!