Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cast Off--Cast On!

Well....Leave it to Landry!!!

Here we are again...with another cast! Yes, you totally read that correctly. Landry is in ANOTHER  cast. She is making my case for putting her in bubble wrap pretty easy to win!

This time the cast is on her right ankle. Let me rewind and tell the story from the beginning.

On Sunday, we were invited to come hang out and play with our neighbors in the Martins backyard. So after nap, we headed over. They wanted the kids to try out the new bouncey water slide. We weren't there 30 minutes before Landry was running in their backyard and just fell and rolled her ankle in an awkward way. She wasn't even doing anything fun....just running barefoot in the grass and fell. As soon as she did it, {with both Bobby and I watching it happen}, we knew it wasn't a "normal" fall. She couldn't stand up. As she was crying, she kept saying, "I'm okay, I'm okay!"

Bobby ran over and scooped her up and brought her to me. I couldn't believe what was happening!

Needless to say, we didn't stay long. Her ankle immediately swelled up and looked awful! We went home to wrap it, ice it and give her some Motrin.

We iced it on and off for the rest of the evening, then again on Monday. Yesterday morning I called the pedi and they told me to go straight to the ortho. Funny thing, we were scheduled to be there first thing this morning for her elbow re-check. The orthopedic doctor's office said I could just wait and bring her in when we came for her elbow. So that is what we did....carried her around on Monday since she still couldn't walk. I used to think she was light, but when you are having to carry her everywhere she goes for a day and half, she really isn't that light!

They x-rayed both her elbow and her ankle. The elbow was in great shape...thank ankle, not so much!
The x-rays didn't show any fracture or break (which was good, but they can sometimes show up later after the swelling goes down) but there was an area around her growth plate that he didn't like how it looked.  The fact that she couldn't put any weight on it what-so-ever also concerned Dr. McNutt. He decided to put her in a cast for support and to allow her the ability to walk. Oh, and did I mention that Bobby and I were scheduled to leave for Mexico the next day and that Grammy was going to be in charge of the girls all by herself?!?!

Poor Landry burst into tears when she found out they were going to put her in a cast again. Dr. McNutt's nurses were amazing and so sweet to her. They brought in the the cast color choices for her to pick from. After a few minutes of tears, she finally decided on a color...
 {it really looked more blue, but she was convinced it was turquoise!}

We went a whole two weeks before another injury! She will be sporting this nice "turquoise" cast for 10 days and hopefully there ends up not being a fracture.  We also hope that life for Grammy isn't completely miserable while we are in Mexico!

1 comment:

The Leonard Four said...

i swear that this STILL sounds made up! i can't believe that lp is on a cast roll!!!!! my vote is also for BUBBLE WRAP!