So this year's "At Home Project" that Ashton had to do for school was a Bio Bottle. If you are like me, you are probably asking yourself..."what in the world is a Bio Bottle?"
Ashton (along with the parent letter that came home) quickly filled me in. Since Ashton has been learning about Texas and Texas History, the assignment was to turn a 2 liter bottle into a Famous Texan as well as write a one page report to present to the class. Before I could even ask who Ashton was doing, she blurted out that she had chosen Brittney Griner! It was so refreshing to see her so enthusiastic about her person and the project itself!
I could tell the wheels in her head were already turning on how she wanted to do her bottle, so we had a brainstorming and planning session right away. We made a trip to Hobby Lobby and between Daddy, Ashton, and I we grabbed the necessary supplies to get this project started!
Ever since Brittney Griner came to Baylor, Ashton was an instant fan. She is a Lady Bear fan first, but she is also a Brittney Griner fan!
Here is how her project turned out...
Ashton wanted to use panty hose for her skin color, she stuffed the arms and legs with cotton, cut and sewed the basketball, printed and cut out the letters/numbers on her jersey, drew the Nike swoosh, drew the jersey and shorts and sewed them together with a needle and thick thread. She made BG's face just like it was on the poster she was modeling her bottle after. In the poster, Brittney is shooting a free throw so her mouth is in concentration mode. My favorite part of the whole project is the way Ashton made Brittney's hair: she took pipe cleaner and curled it around a pencil, then she wrapped this curly hair-looking yarn around the pipe cleaners and pinned them to the head. It was awesome and the pictures don't come close to doing it any justice.
When Grammy found out we were doing the project, she wanted to see a picture of the finished product. Ashton nearly wet her pants when I told her that Grammy had showed the picture to Brittney! Grammy said that Brittney loved it!
Ashton was so proud of her project and it will be on display for Open House in early March. We had a near catastrophe when she was taking it to she was getting out of the car and carrying it in, it fell and the head came off and wouldn't stay up. Daddy brought it home and I tried to fix it the best I could--but we are going to need to go up to the school sometime and do a little surgery to get the head fixed before Open House! We don't want Brittney to be a bobble head!
Ashton brought home her graded rubric after she presented it to the class and here is what she got:
Presentation: 25/25
(voice level, materials prepared, facing audience, eye contact)
Information: 30/30
(fact given, paragraph, conventions, accuracy, in own words)
Bottle: 40/40
(details, quality, follow instructions)
Biography: 5/5
(Name of Person)
Grand Total: 100
Her teacher's notes were: "Great voice level! She is very tall! Good Job! The little basketball is adorable."
I can't wait for Open House to see some of the others...Ashton told me someone did RGIII! I know the Brittney Griner bottle will be my fave since it was made my most favorite 4th grader!!
OH.MY.GOODNESS!!! this turned out so dang cute! ashton did a great job, and i'm sure her presentation was totally awesome! :) WAY TO GO, ASH!
This is awesome. I'm extremely impressed with her sewing skills!! The bobble head image cracks me up..hehe:)
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