We have had a lot happen already in December. Ashton had a "Big Sister" class at the hospital where Landry will be born. I think this class really made Landry's arrival real for her. Up until this point I don't think she actually thought the time was ever going to come. She made a picture frame with her picture on it. The nurses will put the frame in Landry's bassinet at the hospital so everyone will know that Ashton is Landry's big sister. This will also help Ashton identify which baby is Landry when she is in the nursery. She thought it was very neat that not all the babies will have a picture frame like that. While in her class she learned how to change a diaper, swaddle, and hold a baby. They gave us a tour of the Maternity floor where Ashton got her own scrub cap and mask. The educators did a fabulous job of letting Ashton know what to expect.
Ashton also went with me to a "Diaper Shower" for Landry. She wasn't all that thrilled that the presents were diapers... but Bobby and I were very excited. She did great and everyone there did a fabulous job of making Ashton feel like the special big sister she will be.
Ashton has helped us get things ready for Landry's arrival. She has tested everything with her baby doll (the crib, bouncy seat, car seat, stroller, changing table, bathtub, toys, and the aquarium) she even picked out a new mobile for Landry. We quickly found out that when you wait 5 and a half years to have your second child, things don't hold up very well stored in the attic with Texas heat! Ashton loves to read books to Landry (especially the books that used to be hers) and put lotion on my belly. Her favorite thing is to feel my tummy when Landry has the hiccups. One day as Ashton and I were working on a project she said, "Mommy, I think Landry needs something painted by her big sister in her room. Can I paint something for her?" This made me teary-eyed and we took full advantage of this moment. She chose to paint a ceramic light switch cover for Landry's room. She is so proud of it!
We are now just waiting for Landry's arrival in a couple of weeks. My induction is scheduled for January 7. My doctor is hoping that with a baby who is a week early (rather than a week late like Asthon was) it will make my delivery go more smoothly. We would have both college educations paid for if I had a dollar for everytime I was told I didn't look as pregnant as I am. Ashton tells me frequently that I am huge! To her I am also 36 months pregnant...I can't even imagine that!
We hope you have wonderful holidays!
Dear Erin, Bobby and Ashton,
I love this site! What a wonderful idea! See you soon. Love, Mom/Mamo
Erin, I really enjoy this and I think it is a great idea. It will let us keep up with your girls in between visits, which are not often enough. Love you all oodles.Ninnie
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